Deutscher Stand mit Strandkörben© DAAD/contentküche Bildbeschreibung öffnenBremerhaven+7Nordsee und Ostsee
Title of a blog: diversity of information about advantages of studying © Douaa Bildbeschreibung öffnenBlog Beitrag von DouaaCommunity+4Advantages of studying in Germany
Altstadt Lübeck© LTM-Reinhard Kruschel Bildbeschreibung öffnenBundesland Schleswig-Holstein+3Lübeck#Marzipan #Holstentor #Buddenbrook-Haus
Internship in biochemistry. The internship takes place in the laboratory, you work very practically. You can see a workplace in the laboratory with a workbook.Douaa Bildbeschreibung öffnenBlog Beitrag von DouaaCommunity+3Medical student days in third semester
Stamatis smiles at the camera on his way to handing in his Master's thesis© DAAD/ Stamatis Bildbeschreibung öffnenBlog Beitrag von StamatisCommunity+5What is the meaning of this?
Picture of a cloth bag© Douaa Bildbeschreibung öffnenBlog Beitrag von DouaaCommunity+4Have you heard about the Ersti-Woche?