A historic building in Munich@Memoona Tawfiq Bildbeschreibung öffnenBlog Beitrag von MemoonaPassauWhat pace are you made of?
I did not even choose Passau at first, all I thought of was just to come to any place in Germany, so that I can improve my language skills. Just that. In a nutshell, it was not Passau that I chose, but it was me that Passau – the university city that chose me.© DAAD/ Anh-Hoang Bildbeschreibung öffnenBlog Beitrag von Anh HoangEuropeFrom an aupair to a student in Germany
An der Donau© Ruhland/DAAD Bildbeschreibung öffnenKleinstadtPassau#VenedigDesBundeslandesBayerns #VesteOberhaus #Dreiflüssestadt
Passau’s Fall: Flowers and Sky© DAAD/ Anh-Hoang Bildbeschreibung öffnenBlog Beitrag von Anh HoangCoronaFly in the middle of the pandemic
Sunrise©Anh-Hoang Nguyen Bildbeschreibung öffnenBlog Beitrag von Anh HoangPassauAre you as educated as you are intelligent?
Two people talking a walk© DAAD/ Anh-Hoang Bildbeschreibung öffnenBlog Beitrag von Anh HoangPassauThe most beautiful word
It’s easy to highlight differences, but let us consider the similarity between the people, culturally and humanly. It’s evident to discriminate, but let us find out the resemblance between two nations, respectfully and diplomatically.© DAAD/ Anh-Hoang Bildbeschreibung öffnenBlog Beitrag von Anh HoangAccomodationThe luggage I brought to Germany
Trees in March © Memoona Bildbeschreibung öffnenBlog Beitrag von MemoonaCulture & Leisure ActivitiesA March Week in Passau
A historic building on a river in Passau.@DAAD/ Memoona Bildbeschreibung öffnenBlog Beitrag von MemoonaPassauThe Sky here
A cup of coffee, a notebook and a blanket.@DAAD/ Anh-Hoang Bildbeschreibung öffnenBlog Beitrag von Anh HoangLearning GermanRead like a writer, not just like a student
We are all here together, to sprout and to bloom© DAAD/ Anh-Hoang Bildbeschreibung öffnenBlog Beitrag von Anh HoangFirst Steps in GermanyWhere are you from?
Every journey is unique@Memoona Tawfiq Bildbeschreibung öffnenBlog Beitrag von MemoonaPassauThe Journey