Fact Sheet

First name: Andrés
Country of origin: Venezuela
Year of birth: 1999
Field of study: Time-based Media
German university: University of Applied Sciences Mainz
University location: Mainz
Type of stay: Bachelor
I have been writing for the blog since: Summer Semester 2019
My hobbies and interests:  Travel, Languages, Organic Music, Design, Cultures

About Andres

Epale! I am Andrés Acosta, a young design student from the tropical capital city of Caracas in Venezuela. For about 17 years I lived in the most wonderful and richest country of the entire planet, yet the most dangerous of the southern hemisphere. In spite of the draconian atmosphere of the nation, I have kept cultivating my creativity and my imagination since time immemorial. These features, along with my interest for languages and cultures provided me a deep sensitivity and empathy with all kind of individuals from all around the world. Now, I am having the opportunity to conquer my dream of becoming a proper Visual Artist at the Hochschule Mainz in the Rhein-Main Region and to encourage all students from the globe to immerse themselves in a new country that offers an experience and an education that won’t let anybody down.

Come join my journey in Mainz, Germany!

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