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Portfolio 101

Are you applying for a creative career in Germany as an international student? If you are nodding at the moment this article is for you, a mad guy/chick probably as mad as me. That being said, I guess you have done all the tasks mentioned in the following checklist!

Hello @germanizers!


-You obtained your higher education entrance -Allgemeine Hochschulreife-

-You created several artworks for your Portfolio -MAPPE-

-You are wondering if you will be invited for the creative exam [Eignungsprüfung]; you are noticing there is a creative exam by the time you are reading this.

-You are wondering if you will be accepted in the University for Applied Sciences -HOCHSCHULE- despite your ‘NC’, or basically you have no clue of what ‘NC’ means.

If you have fulfilled all the requirements in order to apply for a creative career in Germany, but you don’t know if you are doing things right I will provide you some tipps and a pocket edition glossary!


I- Before taking your FSP -Feststellungsprüfung- make sure you read all the requirements in order to pursue your desired career in your desired University of Applied Sciences. WHY? Because you might have to obtain a certain grade in your FSP in order to apply for this career.

II- Read the webpage of your desired University of Applied Sciences and specially the portfolio requirements. WHY? Because these vary from University to University and you should meet the requirements in order to be considered by the Revision Committee.

III- Inform yourself about previous portfolio submissions in different German Universities and about previous creative exams in the following webpage:

IV- If you want all the tipps and an ultimate guidance regarding the German portfolio you definitely need to get in touch with the following online portfolio course:


NC: Numerus Clausus [limited student acceptance linked to your FSP grade]

Eignungsprüfung: Creative exam [aptitude exam]

Prüfungskommission: Revision Committee [Committee that grades your portfolio and creative exam]

Eignungsprüfungszeugnis: Proof of grade obtained in the creative exam.

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written by Die Mappenschule created on

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