Tips for everyday life
Part-time job
Students seldom live in the lap of luxury. But semester breaks are often a way to boost their bottom line. Many companies specifically look for students interested in part time jobs.
Working as a “HiWi”
People who work as research assistants at a university are called HiWis. That’s short for wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft. Research assistants are employed at the university and must have completed at least six semesters of study. They support professors or other academic staff in their work in research and teaching.
HiWis can be responsible for supervising the library or researching literature for professors. Another job is as a tutor affiliated with a lecture or seminar where other students can deepen their knowledge under supervision, or prepare for exams.
The advantage of being a HiWi is that you are often working on something that is related to your studies and you are gaining experience. If you are interested in a job like this, check with the secretary’s office in your department, and on bulletin boards in hallways.
Rules for part time jobs in Germany
Labour regulations for international students are very strict. So it is important to know them. Violators can be expelled. As an international student, your permitted working hours depend on whether you are from the EU (including Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland) or not.
The provision on secondary employment is very closely linked to the residence title. Therefore, check exactly which regulations apply to you.
Earnings, taxes and insurance
Alternatives to a part time job
It is practically impossible for students to finance all their expenses through part-time jobs. There are too few suitable jobs for students in Germany. And those who work too much prolong their studies unnecessarily. Instead of taking a low-paying job, you can also apply for a , for example.
Tax rules
You can earn up to 520 euros a month on a student job without paying taxes. But if you regularly earn more than 520 euros, you need a tax number. A certain amount is then deducted from your wages every month, which you get back when you file a German tax return at the end of the year.
Your contributions
Anyone permanently employed in Germany usually pays social security contributions. This includes contributions for health insurance, long-term care, pension and unemployment insurance. Those who work no longer than three months in a row, or 70 days annually, do not have to make these payments.