Stan-Up-Paddling on Hamburg's Feenteich© Christina Hoehnen/DAAD Open fig captionSpare time & CultureWater sports in Hamburg
A beautiful summer's day: you can see green meadows and trees, with mountains in the background. The sky is blue and the sun is shining.© Roberta Open fig captionBlog post written by RobertaCologneWhat to do in Cologne in summer
View at the skiing area Neuastenberg-Postwiese© Postwiesen-Skigebiet Open fig captionBochumWinterberg
Gordon Gerriets proudly sporting Hertha BSC colours at an away game© Burmann/City-Press GmbH Open fig captionBerlinGermany’s No. 1 sporting obsession
Street food - Bowl with healthy food© von der Weiden Open fig captionCulture & Leisure ActivitiesNew German food culture
A Funkenmariechen at the Rosenmontag parade in Mainz© DAAD/ Thomas Ebert Open fig captionCulture & Leisure ActivitiesCarnival in Germany
You can see a train station, the train is already waiting on the platform.© Rayhona Open fig captionBlog post written by RayhonaFirst Steps in GermanyHow to make friends in a new place
Lilit and her daughter Franka© DAAD/Henning Ross Open fig captionEveryday LifeStudying as a parent in Germany
Poetry slam event at the uni© Adam Aach / StuVe Presse Open fig captionCulture & Leisure ActivitiesPoetry Slams in Germany
Roberta sits in a cozy café and smiles.© Roberta Open fig captionBlog post written by RobertaCologneHow to study when the summer is calling
The "Kleine Uli" (Little Ulrich Street) is just 100 metres from the University Square of the University of Halle and invites you to stroll, relax, chat and celebrate with a large number of cafés, bars and restaurants.© MLU/Fotograf Open fig captionLeisure ActivitiesNightlife in Germany
Central station of Cologne.© Roberta Open fig captionBlog post written by RobertaCologneUnwind from Studies: my favourite leisure activ...