
Ingolstadt New Castle and Danube © Bauz/DAAD
Ingolstadt New Castle and Danube© Bauz/DAAD

In Ingolstadt you’ll find a perfect balance of Bavarian tradition, hometown pride, modern life and innovation. The city is constantly growing and now boasts over 100,000 inhabitants. Its long university history and high quality of life makes Ingolstadt an ideal place to study and live.


137,392 Inhabitants ¹

6,018 Students ²

1 Higher education institution ²


Even though its population exceeds 100,000 inhabitants, when you’re in downtown Ingolstadt you almost get the feeling of being in a village. Quaint houses and narrow streets create a charming, relaxed atmosphere that you rarely find in other large cities. But that doesn’t mean that Ingolstadt can’t keep pace with other cities. The region’s economy is extremely strong.

Among the higher education institutions in Bavaria, Ingolstadt’s institution enjoys a very good reputation. It was here that Bavaria’s very first university was founded in 1472, the “High School”. It later changed locations and has meanwhile become better known as the Ludwig Maximilian University (LMU) in Munich.

The Kreuztor, the most famous landmark of Ingolstadt, is located directly behind the Minster of Our Lady, a Catholic church on Kreuzstrasse.

At Rathausplatz, you’ll find both the Old and New City Hall – a contrast which aptly reflects Ingolstadt’s development from a small town of provincial Bavaria into the modern city it is today.


Once a week, the Student Council shows a movie in the largest auditorium at the TH Ingolstadt. Contact the Student Council to find out when the next movie is playing!

Interestingly, the former university of Ingolstadt served as the setting to Mary Shelley’s novel “Frankenstein”. The main character of the story (Dr. Frankenstein) studied and conducted his experiments here.



You can reach most destinations easily by bike which is why you’ll see so many people riding bicycles. When the weather is nice, you should take a ride along the banks of the Danube River which runs through Ingolstadt. From there you can enjoy a nice view of the Neues Schloss (New Castle). A number of dukes once lived in the Neues Schloss, but now it’s home to the . The museum presents special exhibitions on Bavaria’s military history on a regular basis.

A few steps further in the opposite direction, you’ll see the Klenzepark – a beautiful place to enjoy the sunshine and take a break from your studies. The park also contains parts of the old fortifications which were built long ago to defend the city from marauders.

If all that sunshine makes you hungry, take a ride over the river into the old part of town and get something to eat.


As a true Ingolstädter, you have to go to the annual in spring and autumn. There you’ll see people of every age wearing traditional Bavarian garb and you can try some Bavarian beer which native Bavarians are especially proud of.

Sports fans have a lot to be excited about as well; the football team FC Ingolstadt 04 and the ice hockey team ERC Ingolstadt are playing in professional association leagues. As a student, you are eligible for concession rates (i.e. reduced prices) on tickets at both clubs.

How to find a room in Ingolstadt

Many university and college towns have dormitories or student halls, and a room there is often the most affordable accommodation. To obtain a room in a dormitory or student hall, you have to apply to your college or university’s student union (). Our ‘Find Student Hall’ function can be of practical help. You only need to make a few mouse clicks to get to the online application form. Find a room and more information about dormitories and student halls in Ingolstadt.


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