#SouthEastBaden-Württemberg #BodenseeRegion #Sightseeings

Do you enjoy spending time outdoors? Do you like climbing, hiking or biking? Are you looking for a degree programme that combines both theory and practice? Then come to Weingarten in the south of Germany!
25,155 Inhabitants ¹
7,347 Students ²
2 Higher education institutions ²
Weingarten is located in the south-east corner of Baden-Württemberg in southern Germany just a few kilometres away from Lake Constance (in German Bodensee). From Weingarten you can easily cross over the border into Austria or Switzerland. The closest neighbouring city is Ravensburg. The was originally founded as an engineering school in Ravensburg. That’s why Ravensburg is in the name. But all of the courses offered take place in Weingarten. The is also situated in the town.
The city has a very cosy, small-town atmosphere which will help you feel right at home. On your first walk through the quaint historic downtown, you’ll soon discover some of Weingarten’s attractions. The best-known is certainly . You’ll see it perched high up on the “Martinsberg“ north of the city centre. From there you can enjoy a great view of Weingarten. It’s quite a romantic setting, especially in the summer at sunset. Many locals refer to the abbey as the “Swabian St. Peter’s“, because St. Peter’s Cathedral in Rome was used as a model for the Baroque church, which is half the size of the Italian original. But even so, it holds the title as the largest Baroque church north of the Alps.
Several minutes away on foot, you’ll arrive at what residents endearingly call the Fruchtkasten, (translated “Fruit Box“). Built in 1688, this castle-like building was once used as the town’s granary and wine cellar. Today the “Fruchtkasten“ serves as the library of the higher education institutions in Weingarten.
On one of your days off, you should head over to Ravensburg which is only a few minutes away by bike or bus. Ravensburg is known as the “City of Towers“. There’s the “Green Tower“, the “Flour Tower“ and many more… see for yourself! The view from Veitsburg Castle is especially pretty. From there you can see the Alps and, when the skies are clear, even the Bodensee.
Other sites worth visiting downtown include the City Hall, the Alemannic Museum and the sculpture titled “Steinerne Plätzler“ next to the Amtshaus.
In contrast to the metropolitan centres of and nearby, Weingarten is a quiet, peaceful town where you can easily master the challenges of daily life on foot or by bike. In the summer, you’ll see lots of people in the Stadtgarten (city park) relaxing in the sun, enjoying an ice-cream.
If you decide to live in Weingarten, you will have to learn more about the “Plätzler“. The “Plätzler Altdorf Weingarten Guild“ was founded in 1348. During “Fasnet“ the members dress up in their typical red and white costumes. “Fasnet“ is the celebration of Carnival that takes place every February or March, similar to “Karneval“ or “Fasching“ in other parts of Germany. The days of “Fasnet“ mark the beginning of Lent – traditionally a period of fasting, six weeks before Easter. A one-of-a-kind event you shouldn’t miss. You can learn more about the history of “Fasnet“ at the .
In addition to “Fasnet“, Weingarten also hosts a huge event every year called the ““ featuring more than two thousand horseriders in tailcoats and top hats parading through the city. The event, which takes place on the Friday after Ascension, is said to be the largest mounted procession in Europe. The riders are accompanied by some 100 marching bands and attract more than 20,000 tourists each year. A spectacle you have to see with your own eyes!
In your free time you can participate in a sports course offered by the University of Education which are open for students of both higher education institutions. It includes a wide range of inexpensive courses, for example, in dancing, gymnastics, swimming, or volleyball. The international offices of both institutions also offer events for international students. Weingarten lies directly at the edge of Altdorf Forest. If you don’t have too much time, but need a breather, the forest is a safe place to take a walk under the trees.
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