Branitzer Park © Hanisch/DAAD
Branitzer Park© Hanisch/DAAD

Cottbus offers students a relaxing academic atmosphere. Everything is close and the cost of living is inexpensive. You’ll hardly have a problem finding a place to live and there are numerous parks where you can hang out with friends in the afternoon.


99,678 Inhabitants ¹

6,425 Students ²

1 Higher education institution ²


The “Park City”, the “University City”, the “Sports City“ – Cottbus has lots of nicknames and takes pride in its diverse distinctions. The city is located between Dresden and Berlin and lies close to the Polish border. Cottbus is an important centre of trade and industry in the Lausitz region in southern Brandenburg.

The Brandenburg University of Technology (BTU) Cottbus-Senftenberg enjoys an excellent reputation. As a technical university, it offers numerous degree programmes in the technical and scientific fields. The BTU is a relatively new, but well-equipped university which provides outstanding academic advising. This, of course, appeals to many international students.

The “Altmarkt” is the historic city centre located in downtown Cottbus. It underwent extensive renovation several years ago. Here you’ll find many bars and cafés where you can kick back and relax. The Staatstheater is worth a visit as well. Built at the start of the 20th century, it’s one of the most impressive Jugendstil theatres in all of Europe. Plays, operas and concerts are performed here every week during the theatre season.

Its numerous parks and gardens make Cottbus a popular destination for day-trippers. Castle Branitz in the Branitz Park also draws flocks of tourists. The castle was originally the residence of Prince Hermann von Pückler-Muskau, an influential landscape architect of the 19th century.

The Spreewald, a large wooded area through which the Spree River runs, is “just around the corner” so to speak. Cherished for its unspoilt nature, the forest offers visitors numerous recreational opportunities.


Treat yourself to a day at the “Spreewald Thermal Baths”. On cold days, the saunas, salt-water baths and swimming pools with massage jets can get your body back in gear and raise your spirits – guaranteed!

The Lausitz region has a long sports tradition. Cottbus is a strong supporter of track and field as well as cycling and is also known for its achievements in these areas. A huge sports complex with modern outdoor facilities and gyms is located in the southern part of the city.



You can live comfortably in Cottbus even on a student budget. The cost of living and studying is very inexpensive. Not only can you find affordable flats downtown, but also close to the university.

Thanks to its many parks and greens, Cottbus is an ideal place to relax. For example, you can spend lazy afternoons in the Puschkin Park. And the Schiller Park is ideally located in the centre of town. In the summer, you can spend your free time at the Sachsendorfer swimming lake. The “Lagune” indoor swimming pool is open the whole year and is located near the university.

Culture plays a significant role in Cottbus. Aside from the Staatstheater, the “Dieselkraftwerk” is a very important cultural venue. The building with its red-brick façade (called a “Klinkerbau” in German) is situated at the edge of the Spree River and is a piece of living industrial history. Long ago it was the power plant that provided Cottbus with electricity. Today it is home to an art museum.

The “Wendish Museum” presents exhibitions and historic items of Wendish culture. The Wends were a tribe that once inhabited the region. If you’re interested in history, then you’ll definitely enjoy your visit there.

The Weltspiegel cinema at the south end of downtown exudes a historic charm. The movie theatre was renovated, so now you can enjoy the latest blockbusters on a regular basis.


If you’re interested in going out, you have many options to choose from. You can go dancing and partying, but also spend a quiet evening with friends in a café. You will also find independent bars and clubs. And you shouldn’t miss the campus parties at the BTU.

How to find a room in Cottbus

Many university and college towns have dormitories or student halls, and a room there is often the most affordable accommodation. To obtain a room in a dormitory or student hall, you have to apply to your college or university’s student union (). Our ‘Find Student Hall’ function can be of practical help. You only need to make a few mouse clicks to get to the online application form. Find a room and more information about dormitories and student halls in Cottbus. 


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