The "Kleine Uli" (Little Ulrich Street) is just 100 metres from the University Square of the University of Halle and invites you to stroll, relax, chat and celebrate with a large number of cafés, bars and restaurants.© MLU/Fotograf Open fig captionLeisure Activities+4Nightlife in Germany
Lots of grilled meat on a charcoal grill.© Rainer Open fig captionBlog post written by RainerCommunity+5Filipino and German Barbecue
Sifat wearing a bicycle helmet takes a selfie in the sunny vineyards.© Tahziba Open fig captionBlog post written by SifatCommunity+5Autobahn and bicycle
You can see a train station, the train is already waiting on the platform.© Rayhona Open fig captionBlog post written by RayhonaCommunity+9How to make friends in a new place
Bird-eye view of campus TU IlmenauUmar Open fig captionBlog post written by UmarCommunity+6Exploring the Media and Communication Science P...
Christmas cookies, an Advent wreath and baking accessories, late in the evening, a light is on.@DAAD/ Memoona Open fig captionBlog post written by MemoonaChristmas+5The First Time
Dorms room in winter© Nathaly Open fig captionBlog post written by NathalyAccomodation+7How's the dorms life?
A beautiful summer's day: you can see green meadows and trees, with mountains in the background. The sky is blue and the sun is shining.© Roberta Open fig captionBlog post written by RobertaCologne+10What to do in Cologne in summer
The photo shows the illuminated Brandenburg Gate in Berlin at night.© Sana Open fig captionBlog post written by SanaBerlin+3Life in Berlin
Public Viewing - Soccer match© Maria Open fig captionBlog post written by MariaCommunity+3Mehr als eine Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft
A historic building in Munich@Memoona Tawfiq Open fig captionBlog post written by MemoonaCommunity+3What pace are you made of?
Geologists find such signs cute.© Can Open fig captionBlog post written by CanBremen+7Best Major to Study: Geosciences!
Every journey is unique@Memoona Tawfiq Open fig captionBlog post written by MemoonaCommunity+3The Journey
Timetable of a female student© Rumeng Open fig captionBlog post written by RumengCommunity+1Tschüss Semester 1