
Nikolai Church © Corinna Schlun
Nikolai Church© Corinna Schlun

Wismar is a small city with many medieval buildings. Located directly at the sea, it offers a wide range of recreational activities. The Hanseatic town is full of vitality – thanks in large part to its many students.


42,963 Inhabitants ¹

8,279 Students ²

1 Higher education institution ²


If you study in Wismar, you’re studying directly at the Baltic Sea.

The city is perhaps most beautiful during the summer months. You can take your bike to Wendorf, a district of Stralsund about five kilometres away from the city centre. That’s a good place to take a dip. You can relax in the shallow water, take a long walk down the beach, or find a quiet place to study for your next exam.

Imposing half-timbered houses in the city centre © Corinna Schlun
Imposing half-timbered houses in the city centre© Corinna Schlun

Downtown Wismar is another big highlight. The historic city centre is well preserved and contains a number of gabled houses dating back to the Middle Ages. But you’ll also find Renaissance period buildings like the “Wismarer Wasserkunst”, a historic well-house, and Baroque buildings, like the “Alter Schwede” manor house on the marketplace – the largest marketplace in northern Germany.


You should go to the shore in Wismar when you want to prepare for classes or just have fun with your friends.

In 2002, Wismar’s historic city centre was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site, which means the historic downtown is specially protected as a cultural landmark.



Many students live near the campus. This is where you can find a flat-share (WG) or a one-person apartment. But since everyone likes living there, the rental costs are a bit higher than outside of town. You’ll find that rents are less expensive if you live in the outer districts. To get to your classes from there, we recommend taking your bike or using public transportation. There are numerous websites with listings of suitable accommodation. The Studierendenwerk generally offers appartments and flat-shares (WGs) located close to campus.

In addition to the seashore, Wismar’s character is strongly defined by its various harbours. For example, you can visit the “Seehafen” (seaport), the “historischer Hafen” (historical harbour) and the “Jachthäfen” (marinas). When you have some free time between classes, you can go sit at the harbour and watch the huge freight cranes at work. And once in a while, a cruise ship makes a port call.

Around the harbour you’re sure to find several bars advertising student-friendly offers.


There are a lot of places to have fun in Wismar. One highlight of every year, however, is the “Campus Open Air Wismar”. It takes place at the first weekend of the winter term – a perfect way to kick off the semester. On this day, newly enrolled and current students and professors dance to music by a number of famous German bands and singers who are invited each year.

How to find a room in Wismar

Many university and college towns have dormitories or student halls, and a room there is often the most affordable accommodation. To obtain a room in a dormitory or student hall, you have to apply to your college or university’s student union (). Our ‘Find Student Hall’ function can be of practical help. You only need to make a few mouse clicks to get to the online application form. Find a room and more information about dormitories and student halls in Wismar.



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