Fact sheet

First name: Elisa
Country of origin: Portugal
Year of birth: 2000
Field of study: International Media Culture
German university: Hochschule Darmstadt
University location: Darmstadt
Type of stay: Master’s degree
I have been writing for the blog since: August 2023
My hobbies and interests: I really like to be with my friends and discover and discuss our life in Germany! Besides that, I like to read and write, go to museums, play sports and cook!

About Elisa

Hey there! I am Elisa, I am from a small island in Portugal called Porto Santo and I am living in Germany for a year now! I came to Germany to take my master’s degree in international media Culture and to explore more opportunities!

I love to write and to read, I like everything that it’s related to art and culture, and I hope I can work in that field one day! My favorite thing to do is to hang out with my friends and my family because everything is so much fun when we are together, and any difficulty becomes smaller when I have their support. Besides that, I really like to listen to music and get to know new artists and songs.

I am a very positive person and I always like to see the good side of things and of people, even if sometimes it’s hard to find. I like to make everyone laugh around me and I love to laugh with them. I love to travel, meet new people, discover new cultures, and share my experiences and my adventures with my friends and family!

More posts by Elisa

A swing carousel in full swing at the Darmstadt Heinfest. People are sitting in the swings, the sky is blue and the sun is shining.
A swing carousel in full swing at the Darmstadt Heinfest. People are sitting in the swings, the sky is blue and the sun is shining.© Rendy
Testimonial Elisa
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The 2024 Berlinale Key Design
The 2024 Berlinale Key Design © Internationale Filmfestspiele Berlin / Claudia Schramke, Berlin
Testimonial Elisa
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A swing carousel in full swing at the Darmstadt Heinfest. People are sitting in the swings, the sky is blue and the sun is shining.
A swing carousel in full swing at the Darmstadt Heinfest. People are sitting in the swings, the sky is blue and the sun is shining.© Rendy
Testimonial Elisa
Blog post written by Elisa
Mathildenhöhe © Nagel/DAAD
Mathildenhöhe© Nagel/DAAD
Central Germany+14


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