Living next to a forest

I am currently taking my master’s degree in the city of Darmstadt, in Hessen. But I live in a village just 30 minutes from the city center, next to a forest. It can be a long ride, but it’s great! All of that cliché of waking up with the sound of the birds and the sound of the trees from the wind is all true!

A beautiful residential building surrounded by greenery.
A beautiful residential building surrounded by greenery.© Elisa
Squirrel (Mauricio) in Elisa's garden.
Squirrel (Mauricio) in Elisa's garden.© Elisa

In the beginning, I was a bit afraid, to be honest. Sometimes it reminded me of some horror movie where something would appear from the woods and kidnap me. But the most “dangerous” thing I’ve been through was just waking up to the sound of a raccoon screaming on my window. Yes, the invasion of animals is also true! Sometimes I even see a squirrel in my garden, I call him Mauricio.


I read that 33% of Germany is forest, and I believe that it’s all so beautiful! In the spring/summer, everything is so green and so lovely. When the light is coming through the trees it gets a little bit more magical. And in the winter, when everything is covered in snow, it really looks like I am in Narnia. Everything is just so beautiful all year! Besides all the aesthetics and the animals, living next to a forest is also great for mental and physical health. Sometimes, when I am feeling a bit more down, I know I just need to put on my hiking boots and go for a walk in the forest. This also helps when I am feeling lonely, because I know that I will find some German people also going for a walk, and they always say “Hallo!”. It’s also great to have some picnics and hang out with friends.

You can see a green, dense forest into which the sun is shining.
You can see a green, dense forest into which the sun is shining.© Elisa


The only thing that bothers me a little bit, is the bugs! In the summer, there are bugs everywhere!! I try to have lunch outside, but everything goes to my plate, and it can be annoying.

Favorite part

My favorite part of living next to a forest is that I can spend all day in the city, full of people, cars, and buses and the air is dirty, there’s always chaos and a lot of noise. But the journey home is always so satisfying. It starts to get greener and with fewer people, the wind is purer and it’s all so calming. It’s definitely worth traveling for that long to come to the village after a full day in the city.

You can see the view out of the forest into a green field. Another piece of forest can be seen in the distance.
You can see the view out of the forest into a green field. Another piece of forest can be seen in the distance.© Elisa

My Advice

So if you are planning to look for a house and you are unsure if one next to a forest would be nice, it will! Even if you have to travel longer than if you lived in the city, it is worth it! Because at the end of the day, you will just find peace and calmness, and that’s great for your mental health, besides that anytime you can go to the forest and just see some beautiful views, while you are also doing some exercise!

More about Elisa


I adore the raccoons. I brought up 2,sister and brother. Last year, my Alex, died. I'm not over it yet. Now, my Porphy is 7 years old. I try to prepare myself for the final moment. I can't. Actually, I'm looking for an asylum or a place where they need somebody to take care of them. If you wish, we can keep in touch. Thank you. Greetings, Daniela

written by Daniela Smits created on

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