1. Bring things to decorate your dorm/flat/WG

I remember the first moment I entered my room in my WG and just thinking how white everything was! It took me quite a while to start collecting things to make it feel like home. I definitely recommend bringing at least photos from home, and maybe a flag or something. You will feel less homesick if you feel comfortable in your room!

2. Bring or buy „house shoes“

In Canada we rarely wear slippers inside, unless our feet are cold. Everyone in my WG constantly wears indoor shoes! My roommates always stare at me funny when I walk around barefoot or with only socks on, so definitely get yourself a pair of Hausschuhe.

3. Travel as much as you can

Since being here I have taken advantage of the extensive bus, train and flight networks. With budget airlines such as Ryanair and Easyjet, you can get around for next to nothing. The trains are a little bit more expensive, especially when they are long distance, but it’s so worth it to travel around Europe! You can just hop on a train or bus and be in a new country in a matter of a couple hundred kilometres (of course depending on where in Germany you are). I love to use the websites Skyscanner, Kayak Explore, and TrainlineEU.

4. Grocery Stores…

It took me awhile to find an actual decent sized grocery store here. There are plenty of small ones, but they don’t offer a lot of options. Also, if you have some favourite foods from home, either bring some with you or have someone send you a package once you’re here. I miss peanut butter and Lipton chicken noodle soup SO MUCH!

5. Speak German, speak German, speak German.

I know it may be hard at first (especially for those who come with absolutely no knowledge) but it is just so satisfying to have a conversation in another language! Even doing simple things such as ordering a coffee at a café or speaking to workers in stores is such an amazing feeling. Before you come, learn simple ways to communicate and you will be set for living here! Besides, English is lame anyways…

6. Change your devices to German!

This actually helps so much. I can read the news every day in German, and I have learned a lot of new vocabulary by doing this! Plus, when you travel you look cool.

7. Seize every opportunity.

I think a lot of people have an issue with this at first because being so far away from home is so difficult. But, I’ve had the absolute best times when I just randomly decide to do things. Talk to people in your classes, go to the bar, and try to be involved at Uni. At first it’s scary, but I promise you will not regret it.


Well, I think that’s enough for this week. I hope everyone enjoyed my tips!

More about Emmalee


I found a lot of information here! This article is really good for all newbies here. Thank you for sharing with us! Good luck!

written by Aha udaipur created on

Your blog is helpful for many student who want to study abroad. Keep It Up!

written by Nayan singh created on

Studying in Europe, especially Germany is a big opportunity. Germany focuses on skill-building rather than theory and that enables you to have an upper hand when you apply for jobs. Another advantage is that the german public universities offer free education, i.e, no tuition fee. This is greatest advantage for the students. Moreover, you can earn a good hourly pay for part time jobs in Germany. To know more about Germany and overseas education, you may call Rcare at 01147940068. the site www.daad.de is also useful. Knowing the german language beforehand is always good because it doesn't make you feel awkward. Consultation regarding the language can also be provided by Rcare.

written by Amrit Kaur created on

Student get admission in short term german language course in germany and after the six months course can student stay more for further study like do master in english or german field. Is it true or fake ...? Actually i asking you that my short stay visa is convert it into study visa for master or not ...?

written by Saad created on

Hi Saad, Some international students require an entry visa for Germany depending on where they come from and how long they plan to stay. You will find general information on visas and residence permits on our website. For more information about visa requirements, contact the German embassy or German consulate in your home country. On the website of the German Federal Foreign Office you can find the addresses of German diplomatic missions abroad: http://www.auswaertiges-amt.de/EN/AAmt/Auslandsvertretungen/Uebersicht_node.html Best wishes, your Study in Germany team

written by Redaktion created on

Germany drives the world in advancement and innovation. It is exceptionally mainstream for giving training at almost no expense to worldwide understudies pulling in a great deal of understudies each year. There is intense rivalry for the understudies to get into these organizations from various nations and in this way the understudies ought to be clear about the passage necessities.

written by Ajay Singh created on

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