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My favorite place to study

Germany has many quiet places, full of knowledge and inspiration, where you can study without being disturbed. By this I mean the libraries. Here you can not just find books separated by author names or titles. But it also offers you an ideal environment to study.

Bookshelves in the University Library of Regensburg
Bookshelves in the University Library of Regensburg© Angela

I have always been a person who likes to study alone in silence. But since I live in Germany, I have always lived in WGs with different people or in student residences. Although I can also concentrate at home, I find studying in the library enjoyable. Not only because of the silence that characterizes it. But also, being surrounded by people who, like me, are focused on their respective assignments makes you concentrate and finish your assignments faster.

But University libraries are more than just a quiet place to study. In addition to all the literature you can find for any assignment on any subject, they are also helpful. So you can expand your knowledge on a theme.

Especially when you are a non-native German speaker, subject terminology can be hard to understand. Sometimes even looking them up on the internet doesn’t give you a clear idea of the meaning. That’s why searching for examples of a word in other contexts and books makes it easy to understand and learn them.

So whenever I don’t understand a particular word in class, I like to look at the reading list for that subject and then check the books in the library. In that way, I can clear up my doubts.

My advice: 

If you plan to be in the library for more than one hour, I recommend you bring a snack, like a cereal bar and water.

Also, don’t forget to ask if drinks are allowed in your library.

Bring the materials you will need to do your work, like a computer or sheets of paper.

Also, If you enjoy listening to music while studying, don’t forget your headphones.

Remember also to take your ID card to show that you are a member of the university.

Contents page of an open book
Contents page of an open book© Angela

I like to go to the library to finish my term papers: which means reading books and researching my subject. I prefer to use the library to conclude this kind of assignment, not only because of the facility I have to be close to the books I need to complete it but also because of the concentration that the library offers.

However, if you don’t have a term paper to turn in and only need to do a summary or if you have to study for a test and need a new quiet place, I highly recommend you to go to the library. It doesn’t matter if you prefer the one in your city or the one at your university you certainly have to visit one. Maybe it turns also out to be your favorite place to study.

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i need to live Germany 😭

written by Hafza created on

Hello there Angela, My concern of leaving a text message to you is, can you help me know how to make to Germany for my masters. I have already done my graduation and wish to persue masters in Germany. I will appreciate your help. Email back if you are willing to assist me in this process.

written by Haq Nawaz, Safi created on

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