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Doing master studies with a toddler!

Studying with your toddler is like reading only one sentence from your book repeatedly but not finishing it correctly. If you have a toddler aged between 2 and 5, and you are facing the problem of meeting the deadlines of your courses? Then you are not alone! I, too, have a toddler and face this challenge every semester. My blog is about how I balance my student life with my child!

Meeting the demands of coursework and parenting is a challenging task. But you can manage it.

Try to stay stressfree. Avoid becoming disappointed and overthinking because of your extended study plans. I took ‘Urlaub semesters’, and my study period is also longer. It does not matter. In Germany, you are privileged to take a ‘Urlaub semester’ if you fall sick or have a breastfeeding baby or any other serious incident. 

As a mother and being a student at the same time, it can be tough to balance taking care of your little one with your other responsibilities like studying for an exam or working on your thesis. Toddlers can be quite demanding and want your attention all the time, which can be frustrating when you need to focus. But don’t worry, there are ways to make it work! I am also studying for my master’s degree and I have a toddler. If I ignore him when he is trying to spend time with me … he becomes more curious and does not want to be ignored. The result was that I had to give my whole day to him and could not even sit for a minute to study. So, the solution is to talk to them and assure your child that you will play with him for an hour, and the next hour, you will study. It is about communication with your child and give him that assurance that you are always there when he needs you!

Instead of ignoring your child, you can set aside specific times for playing together and studying. You can even involve your toddler in some fun study-related activities like learning how to write. By showing them your notes and teaching them new things, you’ll not only keep them busy, but also inspire them to learn and grow. Who knows, maybe they’ll even become a little scholar just like mommy!

Another good trick is letting the little ones play and run to their heart’s content. When they eventually tire themselves out, they’ll fall asleep soundly, allowing you to manage your study schedule. You can also play with your toddler with Legos, play dough, colouring books and go out by bicycle. Try to find out, which toys or games your toddler really likes to play and wants to play with you as well!

If you’re in Germany, there are also options such as ‘Tagesmutter’ or Kita, where your child can stay while you attend your classes. Remember, it’s okay to ask for help when you need it!

It is always a good habit of reading story books to your toddler. You can also make a library card for your toddler for free in any city library or specific “Kinderbiblothek” in your city. Go there, and you can find a toddler place in the library where your child can play, read, and even listen to his favourite cartoon characters.

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