The photo shows a clipboard, a teddy bear and a blood pressure monitor.
Instead of a person a teddy bear to measure the blood pressure, a blood glucose meter and some healthy food for good health.© Douaa

If you want to study medicine in Germany, you should know that you have to do a nursing internship in a hospital for three months.  It’s a basic requirement to permission for the first state exam. This exam will be written after the fourth semester. In this internship you will be become an overview in the hospital life, and you will learn some nursing skills like measuring blood pressure etc. 

Firstly, it’s your choice if you do the internship complete or separate, but you always have to do one month minimum. You can do it before you start your study or in the semester break. It’s advisable to do it before because you can relax in your semester break, and you can learn what you missed in the last semester. Don’t worry, you just do it when you can to write the first state exam. 

So you have to apply for an internship place in a hospital. You need to apply: cover letter, CV and actual certificate of enrollment. You preferably send them three months before the semester ends by mail. Furthermore, you also can apply in every hospital you want in Germany. It’s necessary to know that you should be immune to hepatitis B and mumps to prevention your work colleagues and the patients from particular infections.

From my experience I can tell you that the internship is beneficial because you will find out thereby if this study is for you so you will see patients with different diagnostics. You can imagine it like a garden with a lot of flowers and every flower is individual, so you will learn how you care for patients, how you deal with them and how you can bring a good mood despite illness and pains. I also was very happy because I always got detailed answers to my questions and I learned some new skills. 

My personal advice for you is when you begin your internship, take a small notebook with. It’s very helpful when you write any new word which you probably don’t know what it’s mean, or you hear about diseases and want to read more about that when you are at home. You additionally have always the possibility to ask the doctors or nurse if you have any question, or you don’t know how to do a specific task. So be kind and always ask when you have a question. 

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hi. I am planning to study medicine in germany and am actually preparing for my german language exam in my home country . Can i do the nursing internship in my homecountry before going to germany or should i obligatorily do it in Germany itself?

written by Preeshka Maroam created on

Hi, Medicine in Germany is taught under the German „State Examination“ and takes six years. There are no postgraduate courses for medicine or dentistry in Germany because these subjects are not split into a bachelor’s and a master’s degree. Also, there are no courses offered in English, so you will need a very high German proficiency to complete the programme and pass the examinations 👉 Please contact the university of your choice in good time (preferably a year before you plan to come to Germany) to obtain all the necessary information about admission requirements, application procedures and application deadlines. The International Office at the respective university is the first port of call for you as an international student or academic. Please find adresses of international offices of all universities in Germany at 👉 You should also clarify there, or at your future higher education institution how and where you can complete your nursing internship. Unfortunately, we cannot give you a definitive answer on this. If you have some more specific questions, you can contact us by email using our contact form 👉 We can address your specific case in much more detail via email. Good luck and best wishes! Your Study in Germany-Team 👋🇩🇪

written by Redaktion created on

Hi, Medicine and dentistry in Germany is taught under the German „State Examination“ and takes six years. There are no postgraduate courses for medicine or dentistry in Germany because these subjects are not split into a bachelor’s and a master’s degree. Also, there are no courses offered in English, so you will need a very high German proficiency to complete the programme and pass the examinations 👉 Please contact the university of your choice in good time (preferably a year before you plan to come to Germany) to obtain all the necessary information about admission requirements, application procedures and application deadlines. The International Office at the respective university is the first port of call for you as an international student or academic. Please find adresses of international offices of all universities in Germany at 👉 There are different tests you can take to verify your language proficiency in German: e.g. the “DSH” ( German Language Test for University Admission) and the “TestDaF” (Test of German as a Foreign Language). Language certificates are also issued by the Goethe-Institut. On our website you can find more information about language certificates 👉 If you have some more specific questions, you can contact us by email using our contact form 👉 We can address your specific case in much more detail via email. Good luck and best wishes! Your Study in Germany-Team 👋🇩🇪

written by Redaktion created on

Hey! I'm 25 and a bachelor of nursing student in Australia. I wanted to see how the nursing world in Germany is and maybe move to Germany when im done with my bachelors in order to do that thgough I would like to stay there for a bit before making a quick decision in the future and regretting it. I have one more semester and then I'll be done with my bachelors next year december. Until that happens, do you think theres a possibility to have an internship in nursing in Germany for maybe like 3-6 months? Just as a student coming to Germany and having an internship in a Nursing Institution in Germany for 3-6months?

written by Jessica created on

Hi Jessica, It is great that you want to work in Germany, but this might be not the right place to start looking for information. The Study in Germany Campaign is aimed to inform you about studying in Germany. For more information about working in Germany, please visit 👉 There is a great need for skilled workers, especially in the nursing sector. If you would like to gain work experience in Germany through an internship? Then the visa for a study-related internship EU is for you. Find more information here 👉 If you have more specific questions, you can contact us by email using our contact form 👉 We can address your specific case in much more detail via email. Good luck and best wishes! Your Study in Germany-Team 👋🇩🇪

written by Redaktion created on

Hello , I want to study in a medicine University in Germany and one of conditions is completing 6 months nursing Internship , how can I apply for an nursing internship in Germany and how long is the during of Internship and what documents it needs from foreign students , do I have to go to nursing ausbildung ? I didn't go to any university

written by Mohammad created on

Hi, Medicine and dentistry in Germany is taught under the German "State Examination" and takes six years. There are no postgraduate courses for medicine or dentistry in Germany because these subjects are not split into a bachelor’s and a master’s degree. Also, there are no courses offered in English, so you will need a very high German proficiency to complete the programme and pass the examinations 👉 Please contact the university of your choice in good time (preferably a year before you plan to come to Germany) to obtain all the necessary information about admission requirements, application procedures and application deadlines. The International Office at the respective university is the first port of call for you as an international student or academic. Please find adresses of international offices of all universities in Germany at 👉 If you have some more specific questions, you can contact us by email using our contact form 👉 We can address your specific case in much more detail via email. Good luck and best wishes! Your Study in Germany-Team 👋🇩🇪

written by Redaktion created on

I am a Bangladeshi student...can you tell me how can i do nursing in Germany and the full processing with cost and education qualification.. Please

written by Tasmia Afra created on

Hi Tasmia, to get started, take a look at the My GUIDE page 👉 – there you will find a lot of information on various subjects that you can study in Germany. If you have general questions, you will most likely find an answer in our guideline on 👉 Also, the DAAD has multiple regional offices and information points around the world. The local colleagues provide information on studying in Germany and on DAAD scholarships. Please feel free to contact the Bangladeshi DAAD office. Our colleagues will be happy to advise you. You can find the contact details here 👉 If you have some more specific questions, you can contact us by email using our contact form 👉 We can address your specific case in much more detail via email. Good luck and best wishes! Your Study in Germany-Team 👋🇩🇪

written by Redaktion created on

hello dear, im nurse from kenya with bacherlor of science in nursing(BSN)...can i persue my nursing career there at germany and if yes, what is process for one to reach there.

written by robert created on

Hi Robert, It is great that you want to work in Germany, but this might be not the right place to start looking for information. The Study in Germany Campaign is aimed to inform you about studying in Germany. For more information about working in Germany, please visit 👉 Best wishes, Your Study in Germany-Team 👋🇩🇪

written by daad.nfitzke created on

Hi Duo, i went through your page. you are doing great job. i am also trying to pursue medicine therefore it will be really great if you could help me regarding (If you want to study medicine in Germany, you should know that you have to do a nursing internship in a hospital for three months). is it possible for you if you could share a sample of the experience certificate 3 months internship you did. Regards Jabir

written by jabir created on

Hi there I am a German student and wanted to know if i can complete my nursing practicum in Canada and how to do this

written by Judy created on

Hi Judy, If you would like to complete your studies or associated internships in Canada, you would have to contact the relevant Canadian websites for further information, like 👉 The website 👉 would also be a possible starting point for further information. Alternatively, you could first send an email to the following address 👉 and describe your request again. My colleagues are sure to have some tips and information for you. Best wishes, Your Study in Germany-Team 👋🇩🇪

written by daad.nfitzke created on

Dear sir/ madam, I would like to study Anesthesia in Germany I have a bachelor degree in Anaesthesiology , l want to approach my field in MS can I directly get admission to a medical College.Regards Mohammad Sharif Mohammadi

written by Mohammad Sharif Mohammadi created on

Hi, to get started, you should definitely take a look at the My GUIDE page 👉 – there you will find a lot of information on various subjects that you can study in Germany. If you have general questions, you will most likely find an answer in our guideline on 👉 You can also find all degree programmes offered by German universities in our database, the Higher Education Compass 👉 If you have questions about applying to certain higher education institutions, please get in touch with them directly. Unfortunately, we cannot help you with such detailed matters, sorry for that! Each university may have different requirements and its own enrolment modalities. Good luck! 🍀 If you have any further questions, you can contact us by email using our contact form 👉 Best wishes, Your Study in Germany-Team 👋🇩🇪

written by Redaktion created on

Please help me dear, Sir or Maam. I am a Bangladeshi student.

written by Swapon Barua created on

Hi, To get started, take a look at the My GUIDE page 👉 – there you will find a lot of information on various subjects that you can study in Germany, also on Theology. It really is a helpful tool to gain an overview. Plus, you can easily contact the university of your choice via the portal. If you have general questions, you will most likely find an answer on our website 👉 If you have any further questions, please contact us by email using our contact form 👉 Best wishes, Your Study in Germany-Team 👋🇩🇪

written by Redaktion created on

Hello There, Is it possible to pursue Medicine after doing your Bsc in Nursing? Thank you

written by Auss created on

I have complete for Diploma in pharmacy from nepal.I'm intrested bechlor nursing programme in your country.i hope you have provided study in this programme in your country .

written by Durga prasad bhusal created on

Hi, to get started, take a look at the My GUIDE page 👉 - there you will find a lot of information on various subjects that you can study in Germany. If you have general questions, you will most likely find an answer in our guideline on 👉 In Germany, the nursing profession is usually acquired through training that lasts three years. You can find more in-depth information at 👉 Medicine and Pharmacy in Germany is taught under the German „State Examination“ and takes six years. There are no postgraduate courses for medicine or dentistry in Germany because these subjects are not split into a bachelor’s and a master’s degree. Also, there are no courses offered in English, so you will need a very high German proficiency to complete the programme and pass the examinations. Also, you may have a look at this website, where you can find helpful comments on medicine in Germany. The website is designed to help doctors and other interested users learn about „Health system in Germany“. It also provides the addresses of university hospitals in Germany 👉 To get a first general overview of the topic, please read on here 👉 Please contact the university of your choice in good time (preferably a year before you plan to come to Germany) to obtain all the necessary information about admission requirements, application procedures and application deadlines. The International Office at the respective university is the first port of call for you as an international student or academic. Please find adresses of international offices of all universities in Germany at 👉 If you have any further questions, please contact us by email using our contact form 👉 Best wishes, Your Study in Germany-Team 👋🇩🇪

written by Redaktion created on

Hi, Medicine and dentistry in Germany is taught under the German "State Examination" and takes six years. There are no postgraduate courses for medicine or dentistry in Germany because these subjects are not split into a bachelor’s and a master’s degree. Also, there are no courses offered in English, so you will need a very high German proficiency to complete the programme and pass the examinations. Also, you may have a look at this website, where you can find helpful comments on medicine in Germany. The website is designed to help doctors and other interested users learn about "Health system in Germany". It also provides the addresses of university hospitals in Germany 👉 To get a first general overview of the topic, please read on here: Best wishes, Your Study in Germany-Team 👋🇩🇪

written by Redaktion created on

Hello I am a student in medical school in egypt going to 2nd year and i want to go to Germany for practice can i apply to the 3 month nurse internship Also I don't want to study in Germany i want to finish university in my country and go there for work after med school

written by Yassmina elsayed created on

Hi Yassmina, It is great that you want to work in Germany, but this might be not the right place to start looking for information. The Study in Germany Campaign is aimed to inform you about studying in Germany. For more information about working in Germany, please visit: Good luck and best wishes Your Study in Germany Team 👋

written by Redaktion created on

Hi, I am recent nursing graduate from ukraine and i would like to do an internship as a nursing in germany. I am also a 3rd national refugee from ukraine, who was registered in germany but i left due to housing issues.

written by Endurance Onoriode Ofremu created on

Hi, an internship is about getting your foot in the door and social networking. As an intern, you have the chance to gain your first experience in professional life. Our website outlines all the requirements for doing an internship in Germany: , and also includes numerous links to job portals. Foreign students should first research institutions and organisations in their home country that act as intermediaries for practical training and find out whether there are programs for practical training in the form of internships abroad. The opportunities and regulations differ depending on country of origin. It is also possible to contact companies in Germany directly. Be aware that it is very important to find out about the work permit and visa requirements in good time. Please contact the German embassy or consulate for information on the current visa requirements. In case you are student at a German university or other institution of higher education, you should contact the Praktikantenamt (Internship Office) at your university for information and advice. You can definitely find further helpful information on the Make it in Germany portal: Nursing professionals ( For Ukrainian students and researchers, the DAAD offers initial orientation in Germany and in particular in the German higher education and research system. All information and contact details can be found on the following website: Contact - DAAD Ukraine ( The colleagues also offer online video consultations, for example, which you may want to use. Good luck and best wishes Your Study in Germany Team 👋

written by Redaktion created on

Helo are you...I am nazia from pak...I want to doing nursing study from can I apply..plz I need you guideline...thnx

written by Nazia ehsan created on

Hi Nazia, to get started, take a look at the My GUIDE page: - there you will find a lot of information on various subjects that you can study in Germany. If you have general questions, you will most likely find an answer in our guideline on: If you have further questions or want detailed information, please send us an email using our contact form: 👉 We are happy to help you! Good luck and best wishes Your Study in Germany Team 👋🇩🇪

written by Redaktion created on

Dear sir/madam i would like ro learn nursing in germany. Now i am a freshman student in ethiopia.

written by Tinsae mulatu created on

Hi Tinsae The aim of the Study in Germany campaign is to help prospective students find suitable courses of study. Information on apprenticeships, e.g. as a nurse, can be found on the Make it in Germany website: We hope we could help you. All the best, Your Study in Germany Team

written by Redaktion created on

Dear sir/ ma, I am a medical student from abroad and I would like to do my 5th year medical clinical internship in Germany this summer. How do I go about this? Thanks for your help.

written by OYELEKE BLESSING created on

Hi Oyeleke Blessing, To get a first general overview of the topic, please read on here: For a practical year you should contact the university of your choice in good time (preferably a year before you plan to come to Germany) to obtain all the necessary information about admission requirements, application procedures and application deadlines. The International Office at the respective university is the first port of call for you as an international student or academic. Please find adresses of international offices of all universities in Germany at: For information about working as a doctor in Germany, visit the website of the German Medical Association: All the best Your Study in Germany Team

written by Redaktion created on

Dear sir/ madam, I would like to study medicine in Germany after I complete nursing studies in Germany. If I complete nursing studies, can I directly get admission to a medical College or do I have to appear for TMS test? Regards Saran Raj.

written by Saran Raj Selvaraj created on

Hi Saran, If you want to study medicine in Germany, there are many things to consider. First things first: Medicine is not divided into a bachelor's and master's degree. The medical degree which enables you to work as a doctor lasts around six years. Such courses end with the so-called “state examination”. I recommend that you take a look at our website: There we have gathered more information on the subject. All the best, Your Study in Germany Team

written by Redaktion created on

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