Flowering tree with pink blossoms in front of a bridge
Pink blossoms in front of a bridge@Anh-Hoang Nguyen

I am not sure if it is an interesting coincidence

… or the ambiguity of the word “spring” was actually inspired by Mother Nature’s spirit in this time of the year.

It is only in this time of the year that I can finally go outside after last class finished at 18:00 and enjoy the whole bit of sunset, or to just sit in the sun studying. It is only in this time of the year that I can finally go outside after last class finished at 18:00 and enjoy the whole bit of sunset, or to just sit in the sun studying.

It is this one time of the year, after a long while of just white and grey and cold blue shade, everything is covered in colours. The grass fields getting greener, the space between branches being substituted by new growths, the bushes homing sprouts and little flowers blanketing the sides of the roads.

Not only the plantings that are springing, also the sun lets its rays play around longer. In Germany, not before 20:00 that the sun will set. In summer, it is not before 22:00. It is only in this time of the year that I can finally go outside after last class finished at 18:00 and enjoy the whole bit of sunset, or to just sit in the sun studying.

It is this time of the year, when everything is springing, when life gets me out of the house to film everything, to snap the soul of life in photographs, to blend myself in that spirit like a cheerful ritual.

Like most other city children, I am not or not used to be close with nature. Living in Germany, nature becomes part of me, the part that make me want to spring, too!

Like most other city children, I am not or not used to be close with nature. Living in Germany, nature becomes part of me, the part that make me want to spring, too!


More about Anh Hoang


This is a very good post Hoang! Good photographs! Your place seems to be very interesting!

written by Anirban Saha created on

thanks. Yours are very nice too!!!

written by Hoang Anh created on

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