What did I buy?

The night sky was clear, and it was shimmering continuously.

It was November 9 when I left Dubai and it was around 1 in the night.

My first arrival in Germany was all wet and cold. It was raining that day. I was not prepared for the German weather, coming from a very warm country to a very cold country.

Indeed, not only the weather I was not equipped, but also the things that I thought was not so important, which eventually what I needed the most.

Here are my must have things in Germany.


Who will think that I will need a personal router here in Germany? Truly, a router is the most important thing you will need here in Germany as your access to the internet, hence, you can talk to your loved ones abroad. There are some accommodations where the lessor will already provide it for you. But in my case, a router was not available in my accommodation, so you need to have it personally.


In Germany, there can be unforseen changing of weather. Sometimes it will rain and sometimes it will not. So better to have your umbrella with you. As a Filipino, umbrella is very overused item to us. We both usually use it on the rainy season and on the sunny season.

European adapter and universal extension cord

Little did I know, extension cords differ from country to country. Yes, I tried to look for a universal extension cord on the local shops nearby, but I failed to find one. I just ordered mine online, and it took me a week before I received it. I also bought a European adapter for my gadgets. The electric sockets here are different. So having an European adapter and universal extension cord will make your life much easier.

Rice Cooker

Filipinos love rice. We can eat rice in every meal in a day. I personally do not know how to cook a rice in a casserole. It is handy for me to have a rice cooker and I was surprised here in Germany that you can find different variants of rice in local supermarkets or shops. I really thought before that it will be difficult for me to find rice in Germany, but it is very available.


There are no available internet cafés or computer shops in the place that I lived at. It is very different from my country where everything is accessible. The easiest way that I can find a printing shop for my papers or documents is my school library. Sometimes, when I need the papers or documents to be ready, I need to travel from my place to my school just for my materials to be printed. Thus, having a printer is really a must for international students.  You can use it for your school paperwork and other personal documents.

Those are the things I consider important while I am living and studying here in Germany.

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