Rainer, as a teacher, standing in the middle of the classroom.
Rainer, as a teacher, standing in the middle of the classroom.© Rainer

A story to tell!

Lesson plans, class schedules, whiteboard and markers were my usual playmates when I was teaching. Certainly, teaching will be my comfort zone. I constantly enjoy not only imparting knowledge to my students but also sharing my life experiences, and my truths to them. I also love listening to my students on their stories and learning from their stories, their likes in movies or series or even in mobile games that they played.

As we grow and age by time, we sometimes think, when do we stop on learning? Do we stop to learn by achieving a certain degree? Do we stop learning by having our license already?

One of my favorite adages that I always keep as my mantra in life is “Education is a lifelong process – John Dewey”. Indeed, learning is constant in our life, whether we are in school, offices or in our homes.

I always see myself learning a new thing and being enrolled in a workshop or a formal study setting. It is not that you only learn, you also gain wisdom on the people that you will encounter in that certain place.

Filipinos mostly tend to go to Australia and Canada to study overseas. Undeniably, those countries are English speaking countries that offers vast courses.

However, Germany is one of the countries that offers English courses for international students who wish to gain international degrees. It also provides various disciplines which are significant and suitable for students who wants to make a difference, be it in environmental, sustainable, or technical studies.

While I was working in school and thought thoroughly on how I can improve myself professionally more, and thus decided to study another course that is way different from what I have.

In that manner, I did not only learn and gain an international degree, but I also understand it firsthand and be able to teach it. It is a win – win situation.

Studying here in Germany, taught me not only the subject matters but I also learned different pedagogical strategies of the professors that I met. I was really astonished on how they handle everything and are able to teach their subjects matters.

Being an international student makes me wonder again, it felt like it was my first time going to school, like I was seventh grader again. The joy, excitement, and giggles, I was full of emotions as an international student.

Pens and papers, rulers, calculators, and books are now my favorite buddies. They helped me finished my school paper works and make me able to submit them on time. They will truly be my pals until my course will be finished and I have attained my international diploma.

If you wish and would like to know more on how you can be an international student here in Germany, you can visit the website or the website.

Education is a lifelong process.

John Dewey

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