Frohe Weihnachten!

Last year I had one big Christmas experience in the household of my parent’s friends. This year, I experienced several small get-togethers starting with a university organized gathering at the Gengenbach Campus and ending with a get-together at my place.

I have always fancied the Gengenbach Campus and because I missed the Christmas get-together at this campus last year, I didn’t want to miss it this year. At the entrance stood a gorgeous Christmas tree and the room itself was covered in green and red. Christmas carols were followed by Santa Claus giving out chocolates, and after that my friends and I toured the Christmas market and watched the advent window open. It was a freezing evening but an interesting experience.

Female student next to "Santa Claus", gifts, cookies and a Christmas tree
Female student next to "Santa Claus", gifts, cookies and a Christmas tree© Rumeng

„Stille Nacht“ and „O Tannenbaum“

One of our teachers also gave us an interesting lesson on Christmas in Germany and abroad. She prepared Lebkuchen with tea, and had the tables decorated with red napkins and fir branches. She also introduced us to two very popular Christmas songs „Stille Nacht“ and „O Tannenbaum“.

Merry Christmas! 🎄🎄🎄

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