A pink bouquet.@ Lilit Bildbeschreibung öffnenBlog Beitrag von LilitFlensburgValentine's Day in Germany, and St. Sargis Day ...
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You can see a train station, the train is already waiting on the platform.© Rayhona Bildbeschreibung öffnenBlog Beitrag von RayhonaFirst Steps in GermanyHow to make friends in a new place
It’s easy to highlight differences, but let us consider the similarity between the people, culturally and humanly. It’s evident to discriminate, but let us find out the resemblance between two nations, respectfully and diplomatically.© DAAD/ Anh-Hoang Bildbeschreibung öffnenBlog Beitrag von Anh HoangAccomodationThe luggage I brought to Germany
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Sometimes, my flatmates and I also had day trips together.© Thư Bildbeschreibung öffnenBlog Beitrag von ThuAccomodationThe benefits of living in a shared flat (WG)
Text messages from friends in the evening© Rumeng Bildbeschreibung öffnenBlog Beitrag von RumengFriendshipDankeschön
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A historic building on a river in Passau.@DAAD/ Memoona Bildbeschreibung öffnenBlog Beitrag von MemoonaPassauThe Sky here
We are all here together, to sprout and to bloom© DAAD/ Anh-Hoang Bildbeschreibung öffnenBlog Beitrag von Anh HoangFirst Steps in GermanyWhere are you from?
This hunt for toilet paper is one I won’t forget any time soon ... © DAAD/ Rumeng Bildbeschreibung öffnenBlog Beitrag von RumengCoronaExperiencing the Coronavirus Pandemic as a Chin...